I have created a new application and i was able to put it under the administration module by using the module as 'SETUP' while creating the application. But i want to move this application under the Resouces module which is the sub-module under Administration, so that my new application would be along Person, Person group applications group.
asked Jul 20, 2017 at 16:16 35 1 1 silver badge 9 9 bronze badgesModule and submodules are maintained in the MaxMenu table.
In this specific case If you run this query,
select * from maxmenu where position = '10041' and headerdescription='Resources'
you can see the position is 10041 for the sub module Resources which is under the SETUP module. All i need to do is, once the application is created under a module, we just neeed to update position and subposition columns to the desired value of the sub modules. note: Update the subposition first,since by default it is having the value 0, if you update the position first, you will get unique constraint error. so check the max subposition value for that position. like
select max(subposition) from maxmenu where position = '10041'
Once you update the position and subposition in the database, restart the jvms and you will see the application is now moved to the desired sub-folder.