Metric Policy

Image of the Metric Act of 1866

The U.S. Congress has established a national policy of increasing the voluntary use of the metric system as the preferred system of measurement for trade and commerce in the United States. It is this national policy that places the decision and pace of metric use in the hands of individual companies, organizations, and persons. Currently, U.S. law permits the use of either the SI (International System of Units) or the U.S. customary measurement system. Although NIST is a non-regulatory agency, the adoption of SI practices is encouraged whenever possible. Explore Metrication in Law and U.S. Metrication Frequently Asked Questions to learn more.

U.S. Metric System (SI) Legal Resources

Diplomatic Treaties

The Convention of the Meter Signed in Paris in May 20, 1875 by seventeen countries, including the United States. May 20th is now celebrated as "World Metrology Day"


Federal Policies and Regulations

Federal Agency Metric Transition

White Image of Capitol Building on blue background

Credit: Pixabay

The Metric Program coordinates metric transition activities under the Metric Conversion Act, including transition of all federal agencies (Executive Order 12770). U.S. metric legislation and policy authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to direct and coordinate the federal agency metric transition and to assess progress. Federal agencies implement formal policy and plans for using the SI (metric system) and report transition progress. The use of the SI in federal agency programs relating to trade, industry, and commerce is intended to support industry's voluntary adoption of the SI.

The Executive Order and the Metric Conversion Law designates the SI (metric system) of measurement as the preferred system of weights and measures for use in trade and commerce, and requires the use of the SI system, to the extent economically feasible, by each federal agency and department in its procurements, grants, and other business-related activities. Metric usage is not required if its use is impractical or is likely to cause significant inefficiencies or loss of markets to United States firms. Guidance on implementation of Federal Government Metric Conversion Policy can be found in NIST SP 814.

Federal agencies and departments are required to formulate transition plans and to communicate them to the Metric Program at NIST. Heads of departments and agencies must establish effective process for a policy and program level review of proposed exceptions to metric usage, as well as to take initiatives to increase use of SI in industry, and seek out ways to increase understanding of the metric system of measurement through educational information and guidance and in government publications.

Progress Report Guidelines

Screen shot of page 1 of FY2022 Annual Metric Progress Report Guidelines