How to Build a Successful Advocacy Campaign: A Guide

More and more nonprofits are tapping into the power of advocacy—and for good reason. A strong advocacy campaign can help organizations grow their audience, bring issues to the public’s attention, and raise more donations for their cause.

Traditionally, advocacy campaigns have taken place by going door-to-door to collect signatures or rallying crowds in person. However, innovations in technology have made running a robust campaign easier than ever before. With powerful Salesforce advocacy software , you can develop an inspiring digital advocacy campaign and tap people from all over the world to back your cause.

In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know to push forward important issues and enact change in your community. Specifically, we’ll cover:

Whether your nonprofit is hoping to change a local policy or increase awareness around an issue that affects us all, a strong digital advocacy campaign can help you deepen your impact and push your mission forward. Let’s begin.

The Power of Digital Advocacy

Alongside running fundraising events and campaigns, many nonprofits lead digital advocacy campaigns to take their mission to new heights. Advocacy campaigns can be conducted for several reasons, such as:

When planned correctly, advocacy campaigns can help nonprofits mobilize support at a large scale, allowing them to achieve their unique goals and make the world a better place. Plus, this momentum can continue even after the digital advocacy campaign is over. After your campaign’s conclusion, your organization will have access to an expanded support network that’s eager to further their contributions to your mission.

Elements of a Successful Digital Advocacy Campaign

A digital advocacy campaign has many moving parts, so it’s important that you have several staff members and volunteers ready to support your organization’s campaign. While every organization will run its digital advocacy campaign differently depending on its unique objectives, these fundamental elements can help your campaign stay on track:

Jackson River recommends leveraging an all-in-one fundraising and advocacy solution that integrates with your CRM, like Salesforce, so you can create an informed campaign strategy backed by data-driven insights. Let’s take a closer look at how the right software can take your organization’s advocacy campaign to the next level.

Features to Look For in Advocacy Software

To hit the ground running with your advocacy campaign, invest in software that offers the following key features:

You’ll also want a solution that comes with built-in fundraising tools—like a fundraising website builder and a self-service donor portal—to make the giving process more convenient for donors and easier for your nonprofit to manage.


Whether your organization is hoping to raise awareness around an issue or convince your local representative to create a new policy, you’ll need the right advocacy software on hand. Armed with a platform that has comprehensive advocacy and fundraising features, your nonprofit can lead multiple effective digital advocacy campaigns that will deepen your impact and make your goals a reality.